Onshore Services

To improve the success of exploration drilling, improved technologies for processing and interpreting seismic data were gradually implemented. Novel ways to account for upper-column inhomogeneities are utilized to reduce forecast error for structures. At the design stage, finite-difference modeling of the wave field is used to determine the best seismic survey parameters. The development of resource potential and the rational development of subsoil resources, with strict observance of environmental safety standards and the widespread introduction of modern technologies is one of the key priorities of the Company.


As a result of successful exploration, 30 fields and 162 new discoveries with total reserves of 14 million tons of oil equivalent were identified. The Firm continues to conduct systematic geological surveys in Kazakhstan’s south to refill the region’s resource base. In 2020, for the first time in the region, a 2D seismic survey utilizing the super-dense technique was conducted in a volume of 200 lin.km, as well as a 110-square-kilometer 3D seismic survey. More than 15,000 meters were dug as part of exploratory drilling; 6 wells were completed by testing; and work is currently underway to test prospective facilities.

By the end of 2019, 155 exploratory wells had been completed onshore in Russia, about twice as many as in 2020. Meanwhile, the Corporation had the highest historical success rate in geological exploration, reaching 86%. 7 thousand lin. km of 2D seismic survey and approximately 10 thousand square km of 3D seismic survey were completed, representing 2.5 and 1.3 times more than in 2019. The program assesses indicators such as vibration level, drilling speed and rotor rotation, and bit load, all of which vary depending on the peculiarities of the formation, allowing you to estimate the rock’s composition without having to wait for data from the drilling tool’s sensors. Because the algorithm is taught on the fly, each meter dug improves the forecast of the surrounding rock’s composition. During industrial testing at LLP Eco Refining assets, the accuracy of anticipated rock change after well drilling was 70%.

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