Waste Management

Work on garbage collection, sorting, transportation, utilization, and burying are carried out in accordance with the “Waste Management Plan” to ensure that the system created to handle wastes generated at LLP Eco Refining’s departments and enterprises operates efficiently. Production wastes and drilling muck are delivered to the Environmental Department’s Waste Centre, as specified in the WMP. To ensure that the Waste Centre functions in accordance with more modern criteria, a Feasibility Study document on the Reconstruction of the Waste Centre project was included in the contract between LLP Eco Refining.

In accordance with item 5.4 of the “Complex Actions Plan on Improvement of Ecological Condition in Kazakhstan for 2019-2020” approved by Resolution No.1697 dated September 26, 2006 of the governor of Kazakhstan aimed at atmospheric air protection, three ecological measuring stations were built in Almaty districts, outfitted with cutting-edge equipment, and put into operation. To ensure continuous control of utilized gases released into the atmosphere, advanced gas analyzers placed in Ecological Measuring Stations (Stargas-898, Smokemeter-495/01) are used.

Works on measuring of harmful gases being thrown into the atmosphere by vehicles in the balance of departments and enterprises of LLP Eco Refining and comparing with norms existing in the Kazakhstan are carried out. Using those gas analyzer, it is possible to measure CO, HC, NOX, CO2 gases with high precision. After the gases (CH, CO and smoke) thrown into the atmosphere by cars and special machines are compared with the standard norms, final reports are developed and delivered to enterprises in order to take necessary measures.

In their activity on waste management, LLP Eco Refining are guided by laws and the Constitution of the Kazakhstan, decrees and resolutions of the President of the Kazakhstan, decisions and resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kazakhstan, other normative legal acts, international agreements they are a party to, agreements made on exploration an development of oil and gas ratified by laws of the Kazakhstan and “Waste management Plan” (WMP) approved by order of LLP Eco Refining president.

Risk Management

In order to establish uniform requirements for identifying, assessing and minimizing HSE risks as well as personnel’s approach to managing them, the Company has formalized the processes aimed at systematically identifying hazards, assessing risks, and taking adequate measures to prevent and reduce them. This has allowed the Company to significantly reduce the likelihood of industrial accidents, major equipment failures as well as other incidents and their accompanying environmental impacts.

The Company’s integrated risk management system outlines a standardized procedure for identifying and assessing risks, preparing risk management measures, making sure such measures are duly implemented and recorded, including with respect to risks related to environmentally sensitive areas where the company operates.

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