Safety and Health

LLP Eco Refining’s top goal is the safety of her employees. Our safety standards and practices are intended to foster a culture in which workers and contractors help each other stay safe on the job, ensuring that everyone in our operations returns home safely every day. Our commitment to occupational and process safety starts at the top and is reinforced at every level.

In our annual incentive plan formula for executives and employees, we include crucial enterprise wide safety indicators. We strive for continuous improvement in safety performance, ultimately aiming for zero safety occurrences. Our component: – The Management System Handbook for Environment, Health, Safety, and Social Responsibility (EHS & SR) serves as a framework for managing and measuring our safety performance.

By tasked workers with identifying and addressing the safety hazards most important to their activities, we foster a culture of ownership over occupational safety. Our Behavioral Safety Observation Program, for example, has aided in the advancement of our worldwide safety performance by identifying certain at-risk behaviors through trend analysis and then delivering feedback to our workforce on mitigation techniques.

Our process safety program aims to prevent the unintentional or uncontrolled loss of primary containment of any material, including nontoxic and nonflammable materials (e.g., steam, nitrogen, compressed air), which could result in an incident such as an injury, fire, explosion, toxic release, or environmental impact. Our efforts are focused on studying and identifying important locations within process safety systems that may have an impact on equipment integrity and safe and proper operation.

Safety Of Employees

LLP Eco Refining has focused their efforts on employee health and safety in compliance with the criteria of the Kazakhstan City oil industry’s Single management system for labor protection. Workers health and safety are given top importance in labor protection action and management. The main goal of the work on the system for management of labor protection is to provide safe and sound labor conditions in order to maximize production effectiveness, improve product quality, and assure the protection of employees’ health and working capacity during the work process.

The Company’s objectives management system allows for the measurement and evaluation of each employee’s production and contribution. The system operates by mapping the Company’s strategic objectives onto those of its units and divisions, which are then translated into objectives and tasks for personnel. The degree to which strategic and operational objectives have been met can then be determined.

At LLP Eco Refining, a package remuneration structure is in place that is closely connected with the Company’s strategy and business objectives. LLP Eco Refining provides material, professional, and social advantages to its employees. In many areas, a company mortgage program assists employees in purchasing a property. The Firm pays a portion of the loan interest to the bank, or a loan is issued to cover the original deposit.

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